Just Ask is here to answer your questions about gambling. Use this resource to gamble responsibly or determine if your habits might be problematic.

Know the Signs

Bar games are gambling, too. | Casinos never let you win. | Bust the bracket, not the bank. | In-game betting adds up fast. | Bar games are gambling, too. | Casinos never let you win. | Bust the bracket, not the bank. | In-game betting adds up fast. | Bar games are gambling, too. | Casinos never let you win. | Bust the bracket, not the bank. | In-game betting adds up fast. | Bar games are gambling, too. | Casinos never let you win. | Bust the bracket, not the bank. | In-game betting adds up fast. | Bar games are gambling, too. | Casinos never let you win. | Bust the bracket, not the bank. | In-game betting adds up fast. | Bar games are gambling, too. | Casinos never let you win. | Bust the bracket, not the bank. | In-game betting adds up fast. | Bar games are gambling, too. | Casinos never let you win. | Bust the bracket, not the bank. | In-game betting adds up fast. | Bar games are gambling, too. | Casinos never let you win. | Bust the bracket, not the bank. | In-game betting adds up fast. | Bar games are gambling, too. | Casinos never let you win. | Bust the bracket, not the bank. | In-game betting adds up fast. |

Know the Signs

Understanding the signs of problem gambling for yourself or a loved one is crucial in determining when to ask for help. If you think you or someone you know could be at risk for a gambling problem, take this easy self-assessment.

Here are some tell-tale signs to look out for when you suspect a
gambling disorder.

Withdrawal or isolation from family and friends.
Progressive obsession with gambling.
Always betting more to win back losses.
Change in behavior, acting moody or on edge.
Unexplained debt or borrowing money.
Lies about gambling.
Gambling to escape worries or problems.
Increased use of other substances.

So, now you know.

Do you think your gambling habits are

Recreational or Problematic?